Samsung Corby 2 FONTS Tutorial by marvin

Posted on Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Yes you read that right my friends, We have fonts for our phone. I read a comment from y’noxente and he said I have to watch a youtube video from HKP0313 about how can we install font on our Samsung Corby 2. The idea is great since he used a TKFile Explorer software to browse application files inside the samsung corby
2 which we cant see using an ordinary USB connection. The idea here is
the TKFile Explorer connects to the phone via a COM port to be able to
read and write to our phone’s memory.

So if ever you gonna watch his video, try to see for yourself and have a great font for everyone. By the way, the tutorial is very easy to follow, you just have to download the right tools and do the right thing.

So for those who are having problems following the tutorial, here’s my share:

Warning: this method is kinda risky and
might brick your phone. Its because you are accessing the root files of
your phone which contains sensitive data Do it with great caution.

1. First, download the TKFile Explorer HERE. It is virus free and work great in windows XP, Vista (32 and 64 bit), Win7 (32 and 64 bits) OS.

2. After downloading, you have
to find a port number which you need to connect througho TKFile
Explorer and have some great fonts. Here’s how to do it.

For windows 7:

Right click on “My Computer”, then click properties.

devicemanager 300x157 Samsung Corby 2 Font is Officially Here

Select Device Manager from right panel

modems1 300x104 Samsung Corby 2 Font is Officially Here

Then double click on the “modem” panel then select “Samsung Mobile
USB Modem” then TAKE NOTE of the “port number”. In my case its #2

Then open TKFileExplorer.

settings1 300x239 Samsung Corby 2 Font is Officially Here

Click on settings.

Type in the port number you NOTED from the modem panel of Device Manager

Then Click “OK”

note: I chose the highest “baud rate” to prevent “Connection is lost Error”.

Then you click on connect

connect 278x300 Samsung Corby 2 Font is Officially Here

And you should see something like this:

see 300x106 Samsung Corby 2 Font is Officially Here

Then you select “AppEx” -> “User” -> “Font” -> “Download”
-> Then drag fonts with .ttf extensions. Click on disconnect then try
accessing the fonts on your phone by going to “Settings” -> “Display
and Light” -> “Font Type” then select the uploaded font form there.

If you have any questions or problems with this tutorial, feel free to skype me @ pinoywebarchitect 

anybody who has a problem with the “port” thing, make sure that the port number is correct, also use a data cable.. 

credits to marvin of

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